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We provide competitive products, services and solutions for the whole industrial chain : Transportation industry management , and Green travel services, covering  

  • Road network  

  • Air transportation  

  • Comprehensive transportation hub  

  • Urban public transportation (including rail transit)

Ehong independently developed :ETC series products , Road network traffic flow detection products , and Rail transit passenger travel information service (PIS) series products. 


Based on 5G mobile communication, big data analysis, artificial intelligence and edge computing

Ehong provides:

Full series of complete intelligent networking products and solutions for V2X (Vehicle to Everything, V2X) vehicle terminal, roadside and cloud control management service platform, software development set, roadside perception and edge computing.

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Smart Road Network

Ehong integrates more than 100 independent intellectual property rights

  • Monitoring and Management System

  • Fee Management System

  • Emergency Safety System

  • Operation

  • Maintenance and Maintenance System

  • Travel Service System 


Smart Civil Aviation

Ehong combining the advanced big data, Internet, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other information technology with operation and management experience based on the industry spot and demand 

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Smart Rail

Based on the rail operations, we have professional, mature solutions and actual cases in multimedia comprehensive display of online network command center, information center, rail transit asset management, information management of rail transit group integration

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Smart Hub

  • the system provides services include hub running state collection, condition monitoring, passenger information sharing, passenger real-name ticketing, and passenger gathering and distribution collaborative services 


  • Obtain real-time accurate information collection, processing, analysis, storage and release of hub operation status; monitor operation, manage station affairs, manage operations, manage networked tickets, and provide tourism guidance and information; 

  • Real-time information processing to each transportation department and each level of users, including information inquiry, display, distribution, and other services

  • Making auxiliary decisions, such as statistical analysis and data mining, to improve the efficiency and service level of the comprehensive hub

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Smart Travel

Ehong is a professional smart travel service provider in China with the mission of improving public travel efficiency and creating wonderful travel experience and the core of AI+ traffic big data.

  • Dynamic traffic information service 

  • Traffic big data application service 

  • Positioning big data application service

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Smart Parking

  •  top level design of urban level static transportation 

  •  post service application scenario development of autos. 

  •  parking industry consulting service 

  •  parking asset management optimization

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